Monday 29 March 2010

The Parish Pump

I’m sorry for being so predictable, as that particular headline has probably been used in over 50% of the news sections of Parish Council websites. Can you think of a better, though? Whatever we put at the top, though, this is where we get to tell you what is happening in Williton Parish, and what the Parish Council is doing about it.

Not much, you might think, but in fact there are numerous decisions to be made, and actions taken on your behalf, much of which gets buried away in the Parish Council minutes – posted up on some draughty notice board throughout the Parish.

The Parish Pump will be posting regularly, keeping you up to date with the most important issues that are currently being discussed. Particularly relevant at this time, as we have numerous wholesale planning issues going through which are raising strong emotions around the Parish. EDF and the proposed supermarket are a couple of examples, and, of course, the Village Hall, another. Meetings are ongoing with regard to the former, and no planning application has yet been posted for the supermarket. We shall keep you up to date with what is happening.

The Parish Pump also gives you the opportunity to air you views, as well, allowing you to comment on each news item as it is posted. We are going to be a bit cautious to start with, and will moderate views as they are posted – not censoring your views, but to weed out postings with profane, intemperate or downright false information. If your views are posted in the spirit with which we intend you to use the site, you will get the chance to share them with others. If not – zilch!

This is not the first chance you will get to interact with Williton Parish Council. You could already make your views known to us, and request that certain issues be brought up in Full Council meetings – but that involved writing to us in the first place, and, in line with the ‘Standard Operating Procedures of Parish Councils’ you weren’t normally allowed to speak, as a member of the public, at Council Meetings except when formally invited. You’ll still have to write in to us if you want something raised at a Council Meeting, of course, but this website gives you the opportunity to open a ‘real-time’ dialogue with Councillors, and provide us with valuable input.

As unofficial editor of the Parish Pump, I promise to keep news items short and sweet, and would like to finish with just one request. At a time when Williton Parish Council is entering a new and more exciting phase – we have a vacancy for another Councillor. If you think you might like to join us, pop in to the Parish Council office adjacent to the Police Station, on a Monday or a Thursday, and pick up an application form from Jude or Janet.

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