Health matters have started the Parish Council off for the New Year. Our January meeting saw us appealing for information from you about your hospital experience. We are losing bed space in Williton Hospital and the Parish Council feels that it should be retained. Let us know if:
- you, or your relative, had to go to either Taunton (Musgrove Park) for a problem when you felt your needs could be cared for in our local Williton Hospital.–
- you, or your relative, has been discharged from hospital before you were ready to go home and then found yourself back in hospital within a few days?
Please let us have your experience: this has to be actual cases not hearsay, with dates etc. – we will keep your identity confidential.
Write to – The Parish Clerk, Williton Parish Council, 2 Killick Way, Williton. TA4 4PY
It is hoped that there will be representatives from the NHS Trust present at the next Full Council meeting on 6th February to discuss this matter and there will be a 30 minute session before the meeting where the public can speak provided they have given notice to the Clerk. Please ring the office on 01984 633979 should you wish to do so.
The Parish is working to co-ordinate events for the Diamond Jubilee. Only by working together as a community can we move forward on this one. Please let us know if your organisation is doing anything for this. We know that the schools are having a ‘Street Party’ for their children on Friday 1st June – watch the Parish Office window for news of what else is going on.
We have been talking with the District Council about services that we might lose within the next twelve months. As a Parish we cannot pick up everything but we will try to deliver help where we can.
Something for the children: the Parish is looking towards replacing and providing some new play equipment in the next financial year.
Street Art: we are planning to stage this on the weekend of 11th May with the theme being Historic Williton. Cllr Angela Wood is co-ordinating this, if you want to be involved please contact her via the Parish Office.